Nurse Maude Hospital is a 75-bed, fully licensed hospital with registered nursing and medical staff who hold strong to the philosophy that the welfare of the patient must come first. The hospital specialises in caring for older people and those needing palliative care.
Care for patients is provided based on the recommendations from the Assessment and Rehabilitation Unit within the Canterbury District Health Board.
For long-term care, all intending patients must have their needs, income and assets assessed before admission.
Long-term care is funded by the Ministry of Health and a user part-charge may apply. Formal applications for funding approval should be made in advance.
Patients may have their own doctor, or choose to have the hospital’s doctor attend them.
Hospital Aides and physiotherapy, hairdressing, podiatry and chaplain services are all available within the hospital.
Patients can be referred by their doctor, public hospital or health professionals.
Short-term care can be provided for up to 28 days under the Respite Care Scheme. This can be extended on assessment, and is also available for those who wish to pay privately. Short-term care is available as bed occupancy allows.
The hospital can be contacted during business hours on (03) 375 4145.
Hospice and Palliative Care Service in Hospital now, ring (03) 375 4274,