Exciting Community Initiative in Rolleston

Age Concern Canterbury is proud to support Selwyn District Council’s Ageing Positively strategy with the launch of the Older Persons’ Hub at the Rolleston Community Centre.  This dedicated space will be open from Thursday 3rd April, operating Monday to Friday 9am to 12 noon, offering local residents access to essential Age Concern Canterbury services and … Continued


Watch out for the heat Cantabrians!

Cantabrians are being urged to keep cool and hydrated during what looks set to be a stretch of scorching temperatures hitting the region this week.   Hot weather is forecast for Thursday 11 January with temperatures predicted to get to a maximum of 32 degrees.   Dr Matt Reid, Canterbury Medical Officer of Health, says … Continued


24 Hour Surgery to Temporarily Close from Midnight to 8am

The 24 hour surgery have scheduled closures from 10pm till 8am the following morning on these dates:   Thursday 7th September Friday 8th September Saturday 9th September Sunday 10th September Friday 15th September Saturday 16th September   From Thursday 21 September, 24 Hour Surgery will close to patients each evening between 10pm and 8am the … Continued


Steady As You Go (SAYGo) Classes Still Popular

The Steady As You Go (SAYGo) falls prevention classes coordinated by Age Concern Canterbury continue to be popular. So popular that we are expanding our classes.  This month new classes are beginning in the RSA Hall Rangiora and St Christophers Church, Avonhead.  Later in the year a new class will be starting at St Barnabas … Continued


Use It Or Lose It – Brain Health Advice

Use It Or Lose It – Simple Advice From NZ Memory And Brain Health Experts For Brain Awareness Month March is Brain Awareness Month so it’s the perfect time for us all to stop and think about what we’re doing to look after our memory and all-round brain health. Most of us have seen first-hand … Continued


Second Census letter

Census reminder letter: From Monday 27 February, almost 1.4 million households will be mailed a second pre-census reminder letter with a new access code with a call to action to complete census forms by Census Day 7 March. It is also a call to action to contact 0800 CENSUS (0800 236 787) to order paper … Continued


New Booster Plan in Time for Winter

All New Zealanders aged 30 and over will be able to access the new COVID bivalent booster from April as part of the Government’s plan to keep Kiwis safe and take pressure off our health system, says Minister of Health Dr Ayesha Verrall. The new bivalent vaccine will replace the existing Pfizer booster and is … Continued


Seasoned Symposium – Maturing in Movement

Second Seasoned Symposium set to Celebrate Mature Movers Otautahi is the new set home for Australasia’s special event, celebrating the maturing dancer. Over Easter weekend, the Christchurch Arts Centre will come alive with the Seasoned Symposium. Seasoned features Workshops, film, performances and korero with over 70 dancers from around the country and Australia who all … Continued


Canterbury set to sizzle heading into the long weekend

Te Mana Ora | Community and Public Health is reminding Cantabrians to keep cool and hydrated as temperatures are set to sizzle across the region for several days in a row.   Hot weather is forecast for Canterbury with temperatures predicted to be 30 degrees or above for four consecutive days from Thursday 2 February … Continued


Here comes the heat

Te Mana Ora | Community and Public Health is urging Cantabrians to keep cool and hydrated during what looks set to be a stretch of scorching temperatures hitting the region this week.   Hot weather is forecast for Christchurch with temperatures predicted to get to a maximum of 29 degrees on Thursday 26 and Friday … Continued
