Leaky Buildings/Homes

As a result of a recent report by the Building Industry Authority ( BIA) www.dbh.govt.nz there has been a lot of media and political attention about the problem. The Building Industry Authority suggests the following contacts: 1. Local Council 2. BRANZ (Building Research Association of New Zealand) ‘phone 04 237 1170. BRANZ have accredited advisors … Continued

Dental Association NZ (Canterbury Branch)

A professional organisation for dentists. Will look into consumer complaints and endeavour to resolve the problem. For further information, the above two contacts (who are practising dentists) are the Consumer Relations Officers for the Canterbury area.

Dental Council of New Zealand

The Dental Council of New Zealand is the statutory body constituted to protect the public by regulating the practice of dentistry. They do this by means of our statutory responsibilites for registration, education, professional conduct and health. Their primary role is to promote and protect the public interest by ensuring that oral health practitioners are … Continued

Banking Ombudsman

/ Monday – Friday 8.30 – 5.00 The banking ombudsman is a free, external and independent process to help people sort out their unresolved problems with banks. Anyone can use the scheme, including groups of people such as partnerships, clubs and companies, so long as the complaint is against one of the following banks: ANZ … Continued

Broadcasting Standards Authority

Broadcasters are obliged by law to maintain certain standards. People have a legal right to make formal complaints if they think the standards have been breached. Formal complaints must be in writing and sent to broadcasters first and they must have procedures to deal with such complaints. If a complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome … Continued


POWERSWITCH is a free, independent online service provided by the Consumers’ Institute with the support of the Ministry of Consumer Affairs. Use PowerSwitch to compare what you’re paying against other prices offered in the market. Very easy online questionnaire to follow.

Disputes Tribunal

  Disputes Tribunals are: informal inexpensive quick private Disputes Tribunals are not like formal courts. There are no lawyers or judges. Disputes are heard by a referee who has been carefully selected and trained. A referee is someone who will either help you to come to your own solution or will determine your dispute. Any … Continued
