Diabetes Centre

The Diabetes Service provides a community and an outpatient consultation service for patients on referral from general practitioners and other health professionals. It provides ongoing surveillance of diabetes management and complications status for selected patients who are at higher risk of developing diabetes complications. The Service also provides medical and diabetes nurse educator consultation services … Continued

Friends of the Canterbury Museum

Monthly coffee mornings providing a wide range of guest speakers comprising museum curators, staff and inviting guests. Opportunities to visit back-of-house with the Museum staff Fundraising for new acquisitions and conservation projects Other Museum related events and trips

Canterbury Model Boat Club

Model boating, scale electric, steam, sail. A casual bunch of enthusiasts.  Meet 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month at 1 – 3 PM at Lake Victoria, weather permitting.

Awareness, Canterbury Action on Mental Health & Addictions

Awareness Canterbury: Consumer Network Action on Mental Health and Addictions is an independent group of people with personal experience of mental illness, distress or addiction who want to make a difference to the way mental health services and society treat people with lived experience. Some issues they have been a collective voice on include; seclusion, … Continued

Public Trust

For information regarding Wills, Pre-paid funeral trusts, Enduring Power of Attorney etc. ring the above freephone number or search their website. Open 8.30am -5.00pm. Answer phone available after hours.

Dementia Canterbury

Aims to: Support people to continue to lead fulfilling lives after a dementia-diagnosis, to raise community awareness and break down barriers associated with all dementias and work towards a dementia-friendly and responsive community, one where people living with dementia feel safe and confident to participate in activities in the community. Provides support and information to people … Continued


A Shop is now available to view meals on site and choose for yourself. The shop is at 9 Raycroft Street, Waltham. Orders can still be made over the phone. NOTE: Answers the phone as “EATL8R” Freshly prepared, nutritious, home cooked meals. Perfect for busy people or those who are just not inclined to cook … Continued

Life Friends

Life giving friendships for all. May be able to match a resident in care with a volunteer visitor. Volunteers contact the number above to enquire further.

Mental Health Advocacy & Peer Support (MHAPS )

MHAPS is a peer-led and peer-delivered mental health and addictions service, meaning that all of our staff have their own lived experience of mental distress and/or addictions, and of meaningful recovery. Our own experience helps us to listen carefully to you, as we have been there too. Options at MHAPS include: Peer Advocacy; Peer Support … Continued

Christchurch Earthquake Information

EQC Claims enquiry Ph 0800 326 243 Christchurch Earthquake Government Helpline. Available Monday to Friday 7.00am to – 6.00pm and Saturday 8.00am to 1.00pm. Ph 0800 779 997 CERA The agency leading and coordinating the ongoing recovery effort following the devastating earthquakes of September 2010 and February 2011. Ph 0800 7464 2372. Counselling and Support. … Continued
