Walk N Talk New Brighton

Guided, flat, 30 minute walk in your local community. Meet at the New Brighton Library, New Brighton Pier Building, Marine Parade, every Monday, 10am (parking available). Walks are cancelled with heavy or persistent rain. Listen to NewstalkZB. Contact phone number is the Christchurch City Council on 941 8999 or to print out a programme you … Continued

Christchurch Senior Citizens Assn – EDGEWARE

Venue Scottish Hall, Edgeware Road. Cards, Mondays 12.30pm – 3.00pm $2.00 afternoon tea is provided. (Arrive 12.15pm) Indoor bowls, Tuesdays 12.45 – 3.00pm (arrive 12.30). $3.00 Dancing lst and 3rd Saturdays, 1.30pm to 4pm. Live band proving very popular. Cost $6.00. All welcome with or without a partner. Friendship group. Social outings may be partly … Continued

Community and Public Health

PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES FOR HEALTHY ENVIRONMENTS AND CHOICES Community and Public Health (formerly known as Crown Public Health) provides public health services to those people living in the Canterbury, South Canterbury and West Coast regions. They are a division of the Canterbury District Health Board (CDHB), but serve as the Public Health Unit (PHU) for … Continued

VICTA – Visual Impairment Charitable Trust

Approximately 95,000 New Zealanders have a visual impairment that cannot be corrected by glasses or contact lenses, but only 12% of New Zealanders with long-term uncorrectable vision are eligible for membership of the Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind. Information and support for the 88% who are ineligible is scant. Low vision rehabilitation is … Continued

Very ECO Cycles ( 4 wheel cycle )

An innovative vehicle to help get you active and stay active. Ideal in a retirement village or paved setting. It has 4 wheels so is more stable than a bicycle or tricycle. Very easy to mount or dismount. New Zealand designed and made.

Catholic Social Services

Catholic Social Services offers high quality programmes at absolutely no charge to anyone in need. Our counsellors are members of professional bodies to which they are accountable. The Agency works within the guidelines of the Privacy Act (1993). All our clients can expect a caring, safe environment, respectful and non-judgmental treatment, cultural awareness and complete … Continued

Christchurch Multicultural Council

Promotes awareness and acceptance of a multicultural society, and co-operates with central and local government agencies and voluntary organisations in the promotion of awareness and acceptance of a multicultural society. Promotes social and cultural life within the community. Part of the larger group of NZ Federation of Multicultural Councils. CMC supports the Christchurch City Council’s … Continued

Rolleston Community Centre

The Selwyn District council provides facilities and parks in their area. Rolleston Community Centre provides a range of health and social services to Rolleston and the Selwyn District. Phone to enquire about groups and activities. Has a space available for meetings. Provides community information. For bookings and enquiries Ph 03 347 2882


www.steamscene.co.nz Canterbury Steam Preservation Society Inc. The Society was formed in 1968 to bring together all those interested in steam driven machinery of all types and in preserving and exhibiting such machinery. Open to the public The Steam Museum is be open to the public with exhibits operating on the 1st Sunday of every month … Continued


Partnership Community Workers (PCWs) are available to support older people access health care including assisting them to find solutions to transport problems. They also work with other social services agencies to provide a co-ordinated response to the person’s needs. Referrals are made through the GP’s or Practice nurse, or directly to the appropriate PCW. Check … Continued
