Kiwi Family Trust Helping people help themselves. Currently the Kiwi Family Trust provide a range of educational and training workshops and programmes targeted at family/whanau and the organisations, groups or individuals that support them e.g. Who do we help? All our training has been designed to give family/whanau the necessary tools to achieve the following outcomes: To … Continued

Merivale Village and Silverdale Hospital

The Merviale Retirement Village Rest home is a warm and engaging environment, taking in a variety of aspects and all within easy access to beautifully landscaped gardens and sunny courtyard areas. Silverdale Hospital is renowned for quality clinical care. Our dedicated and fully trained, professional staff take care of everything, ensuring you or your loved … Continued

The Corner – Merivale

The Merivale Corner is Merivale’s Community Centre. It is a place where people from the local community can meet and share activities, coffee and friendship.   MONDAY MAINLY MUSIC is on hold  (Watch this space) ACTIVE PERSONS’ EXERCISE GROUP 12:00 – 1.00pm $7 a session.  Coffee to follow – Koha appreciated FILM CLUB  Second and … Continued

St Pauls Hall – West Melton

Craft, coffee and chat. 3rd Thursday of the month. 10.00 am – 2.00 pm shared lunch. Bring any craft you want. Some teaching sessions. Transport possibly arranged.

Care On Call ( Home care for young and old )

Care on Call is a trusted and reliable provider of high quality home care ( home help ) for people of all ages. Provides one-on-one non-medical assistance for the daily activities that aren’t as easy as they used to be, e.g. personal care, meal preparation, medication reminders, laundry, light housekeeping, local transportation, respite care. Their … Continued

Dental Council

The Dental Council is the statutory body constituted under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 for maintaining self-regulation of the dental professions. The primary role is to promote and protect the public interest by ensuring that oral health practitioners are safe and competent to practise. Regulate dentists, dental specialists, dental therapists, dental hygienists, clinical … Continued

The Total Mobility Scheme (Discounted Taxi Card)

The Total Mobility Scheme provides a subsidised taxi service for clients who meet the eligibility criteria. An eligible person must have an impairment that prevents them from undertaking any one or more of the following components of a journey unaccompanied on a bus, train or ferry in a safe and dignified manner: Getting to the … Continued

Metroinfo (Bus Information)

For local timetable and bus fare information ring the number above or visit the website. Printed timetables and other information available at the Central Station and Service Centres. Super Gold Travel – Metro buses free between 9.00 am – 3.00 pm and after 6.30 pm. All weekends and public holidays. Metro Info welcomes customer comments … Continued

Health and Disability Consumer Advocacy Service

The service is provided under the Health&Disability Commissioner Act 1994. Independent advocates help and support people to know their rights and the actions they can take if they have a concern about a health or disability service. It is a free, independent, confidential service. Advocates will also give assistance to people who may have concerns … Continued

Molten Media Trust

Accept donations of computers. Recondition and sell them at reasonable prices. A new project by Molten Media Trust, Christchurch City Council and Canterbury Development Corporation is making recycled computers available to voluntary organisations and community groups. Commercial organisations updating their computer stock are encouraged to donate their old computers which are then overhauled by Molten … Continued
