Margaret Stoddart Retirement Village

Margaret Stoddart Retirement Village provides independent living, assisted living in serviced apartments and the very best of rest home care. All set among beautifully landscaped gardens. All clients should request a referral from their G.P for a full assessment before entering rest home care.

Home Assistants for Seniors

Provide home care, companionship and support. Assist seniors to live confidently in their own home. Services are personalised to include: – Outings and shopping – Escorting to appointments – Help with household tasks – Support – post hospital discharge – Live in night time support – Ongoing communication with family

Lincoln Area Senior Citizens Club

Meet on the first Tuesday of the month at 1.30 pm in the Events Centre, Lincoln. Speakers, entertainers and trips. Please phone Theresa 3252449

Law Victims’ Association

Assist members who have, or believe they have, been mistreated by solicitors or the legal system and are unable to get redress. For further information contact Robyn as above.

Interpreting Canterbury

Interpreting Services in 70 languages. Professional interpreting organisation that will see intepreters are available throughout the region & around the clock, wherever important information needs to be conveyed accurately & fully to non-English speakers. Interpreters will work in person & by telephone. This can be in local & central government, such as hospitals, health centres, … Continued

Breastscreen Aotearoa

BreastScreen Aotearoa is a free national breast screening programme that checks for early breast cancer. This programme is offered to women in New Zealand aged 45-69 who have no symptoms of breast cancer. It aims to reduce the number of women who die from breast cancer. If you want to enrol in the programme or … Continued

Community & Public Health (Crown Public Health)

Community & Public Health (a division of the Canterbury District Health Board) delivers free public health services in Canterbury (from Kaikoura to the Waitaki River) & the West Coast. Public health services are population based health promotion & health protection activities that are concerned with whole populations or groups such as children or elderly people … Continued

Edith Cavell Home Hospital & Village

Offer long or short stay and convalescent care. Enquiries to Nurse Manager re vacancies etc or to ACRC, The Community Assessment Team,Burwood Hospital,Tel 337 7808.

Marketing Association / mailing and telephone lists

A business association with the purpose to encourage & develop the highest standards of measurable marketing in New Zealand. Membership is voluntary but they can confirm if a particular business is registered with them & may help with enquiries in this case. All their members are bound by a code of ethics that encourages best … Continued

Michael Devine

Michael Devine is an Insurance Broker who will give advice on various aspects of life and medical insurance. For further information, contact him on the above telephone number.
