Heartland Services ( Hornby Heartlands )

Hornby Heartlands Service Centre is co-located within Hornby Work and Income and where providers from over 20 government and community agencies deliver on site, face to face services to Hornby and local surrounding communities. These include: Kingdom Resources, Salvation Army, Birthright, CCC Housing, Counselling Services, Family Planning, Green Prescription Clinic, Housing NZ, Justice of the … Continued

Wharenui Sports Centre

Website: www.wharenui.co.nz Activities for over 50 age group: Monday 10am, Super Group gentle land based aerobics with trained instructor 45 min session $4.00 casual (includes swim after if you wish) Tuesdays 9.15am & 10.15am and Friday 10.15am, Aquasize gentle water based exercise 45 minutes session,$6.50 casual. Concession tickets available for the above

U3A – University of the Third Age-Groups

The U3a movement aims to encourage an active retirement for men and women by providing for their cultural, social, physical and intellectual interests. Members are individuals wanting to widen their interests by getting involved in life long learning opportunities of all kinds and share activities in an informal, friendly atmosphere. Refer to web page for … Continued

Waltham Community Cottage

Monday – Aqua jogging 9.45-11.00. (minibus from cottage) Tai Chi – Tuesday at 11.00 -12.00. Just come along. Seniors Group: Afternoon tea, speakers and entertainers – 1st Tuesday of the month. Small charge. Community lunch Wednesday midday – All welcome. Thursday – General drop in 9.00am – 1.00pm Adrianne Carmichael is a community worker based … Continued

WEA – North-west Branch

Meetings are held at 4 – 8 Chapel Street  ( off Harewood Street ) on Friday mornings from 10.00am to 11.30am, during the school term time, $4 per session. A variety of tutors speak on a wide range of topics. For full programme details contact Jan Tedesco on 351 9796

Wedding Anniversaries

WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES 1st paper; 2nd cotton; 3rd leather; 4th linen; 5th wood; 6th iron; 7th wool; 8th bronze; 9th pottery; 10th tin; 15th crystal; 20th china; 25th silver; 30th pearl 35th coral/jade; 40th ruby; 45th sapphire; 50th gold; 55th emerald; 60th diamond.

Keep Christchurch Beautiful

A voluntary community organisation that aims to promote a litter free environment and a garden city image, for Christchurch.

Kaiapoi Photographic Club

To promote photography with like-minded people. Catering for all ages and photographic experience.

Canterbury Outboard Boating Club

The club is orientated towards safe family boating, trophy events, skiing, fishing and general boating. Objectives are to promote outboard and power boating as a safe and pleasurable family activity.
