Kaiapoi Photographic Club
To promote photography with like-minded people. Catering for all ages and photographic experience.
To promote photography with like-minded people. Catering for all ages and photographic experience.
To help promote woodcraft as a hobby in North Canterbury. Open every Wednesday 1.00 – 4.00 pm.
Promotion of chess playing in North Cantebury. Enjoy the challenge and the company of others. Please email for further information. Held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month in the Rangiora War Memorial Hall.
40 general rest home beds, 15 hospital beds & 6 palliative care beds. All clients are advised to request a referral from their G.P. for a full assessment before entering rest home care or ring Older Persons Health, Community and Assessment Team Burwood Hospital, 337 7765
Work, and Income NZ provide a specialised service to Superannuitants at their five Service Centres. The NZ Super interviewers are trained specialists in the NZ Superannuation area. Call the freephone number. Note: At the Service Centre, Superannuitants are now seen by Senior Service personnel.
Meet on a Thursday,12.30 pm to 3.00pm at the Friendship Centre, Opawa Baptist Church Hall, Cnr Wilsons Road and Hastings Street East. Entertainers every week followed by afternoon tea. Bus outings, every couple of months. Club for senior citizens (60 and over) New members always welcome.
Offers rest home and dementia care services for the elderly. Subject to vacancies, short term stays can be arranged for people whose families wish to take a holiday or are temporarily unable to care for their elderly relation. Brookhaven also offers for sale two-bedroom villas which are self-contained and adjacent to the rest home. All … Continued
Modern Accommodation in a peaceful garden. The cottage has: two bedrooms (one double, one twin), private ‘phone, full modern kitchen including dishwasher, laundry facilities, television and video. All linen provided. The use of swimming pool and gardens available. Phone for costs etc 10% discount for weekly stays & retirees. Location: 10 minutes drive from the … Continued
Age Concern Canterbury have a number of clothing bins. Please take a message and telephone Stones for the callers who wish to contact them ie full bins, bins for removal etc.
See steam-powered farm machines; traction engines, threshing mill,steam hammer; early leather and shoe making machinery etc. Please ring between 10am-5pm.