Halswell and District Lions

The Lions Club serves the local community, offering fun and fellowship within a group of members. Meets first Wednesday of the month at 6.00pm and 3rd Wednesday at 7.00pm. Contact the above members for further information.

Tao Motion

Tai Chi classes and Qi gong. Suitable for beginners.

Tangata Atumotu Trust Exercise Group

An exercise class for older pacific adults. Meet each Tuesday 11.00am-12.00noon. Transport can be provided. Fellowship and games. Refreshment provided.

Village Leisure Group

The Leisure Club for Older Adults is a fun programme featuring a wide range of interesting and fun activities including trips, afternoon teas, games and quizzes and speakers. Meets the first Wednesday of every month between 1-3pm at the Village Presbyterian Church, corner of Ilam and Aorangi Roads.

Retina New Zealand Inc. – Macular degeneration

Telephone-Based Peer Support If you have been diagnosed with a retinal disorder, have a family member or close friend who has, or just want to find out more about Retina NZ, ring 0800 233 833 (New Zealand only) to talk to a peer support co-ordinator. This is a voluntary organisation supporting people with retinal degenerative … Continued

Insurance & Savings Ombudsman

website: www.iombudsman.org.nz The website gives terms of reference and a list of members of the scheme. The Insurance and Savings Ombudsman deals with unresolved personal and domestic insurance problems. However, clients must first try to resolve their complaint through the company’s internal complaints procedure and get a letter of deadlock. SUMMARY * Free independent scheme … Continued

Town & Country Homesit Ltd

  Offers an extensive live-in house sitting, pet-minding service for both town & country properties. Sitters maintain an appearance in your absence discouraging potential intruders and keeping your animals in a secure and familiar environment. Sitters and pet minders are thoroughly screened and reference checked so you can have peace of mind for your property … Continued

Cancer Society of New Zealand (Cant/ West Coast)

The mission of the Cancer Society is to improve community well being by reducing the incidence & impact of cancer. For cancer information & support phone 0800 226 237 (0800CANCER). This helpline is available Mon-Fri 8.30am – 5.30pm. An experienced Registered Nurse to answer any question that you might have.(Any Cancer any question). The Cancer … Continued


. This station is now located in the Justice and Emergency Precinct, Lichfield Street  ( opposite the Lichfield Car Park)    Christchurch. For emergency calls dial 111 For non emergency calls dial the number above. For community constables go to http://maps.aa.co.nz/browse/amenities/police/canterbury/christchurch+city This lists the suburbs and the details of the related community constable. http://www.police.govt.nz/about-us/publication/arms-code/firearms-licensing

Insurance Council

The Insurance Council of New Zealand represents the general insurance industry in New Zealand. Insurance Council advises on queries about Insurance Companies. Fire and General Insurance and Health Funds Association. However, client must have first exhausted their own Insurance Company’s internal complaints procedure. For the Investment Saving and Insurance Assn which deals with Life Insurance … Continued
