Enable New Zealand

Enable New Zealand is a multi-service organisation working to assist disabled people and their families/whanau/hapu, employers, health professionals and disability support organisations. Enable Information can put you in touch with a range of disability and rehabilitation support organisations and service providers. They can give you the contact details for your local Needs Assessment and Service … Continued

SeniorNet Canterbury Inc. (Senior Net)

Provides opportunity for people over the age of 50 years to learn technology skills in a friendly environment. A non-profit making organisation helping them to become more confident and competent computer users. SeniorNet Canterbury Courses are based on the Microsoft Word operating system but they also have workshops covering Android and Ipad smart phones and tablets.

Christchurch City Libraries

/ Contact by email, fax or phone 7 days a week Monday to Friday 8 am to 8 pm Saturday and Sunday 9 am to 5 pm Notes: Christchurch City Libraries locations & hours refer to above website. For all library enquiries, phone 941-7923. There are older adults champions who may be able to help … Continued

Websites for Seniors

www.raisinggrandchildren.org.nz www.ageconcerncan.org.nz www.eldernet.co.nz www.superseniors.msd.govt.nz/ www.retirement.org.nz www.sorted.org.nz www.relationshipsaotearoa.org.nz/ www.thirdage.com www.seniorlinks.co.nz www.organics2u.com www.consumer.org.nz www.retiredlifefun.com www.aag.asn.au www.grandtimes.com www.theoldie.co.uk www.diversionaltherapy.org.nz www.carers.net.nz www.schollflightsocks.co.uk www.ccc.govt.nz – look under City & Leisure, Recreation & Sport, Leisure Clubs for Older Adults www.townandcountryhomesit.co.nz www.vuw.ac.nz/ageing-institute www.rootsweb.com www.healthpages.co.nz www.learnthenet.com www.39andover.com www.tram.co.nz https://ccc.govt.nz/news-and-events/newsline www.cancernz.org.nz www.police.govt.nz www.challengedrivingschool.co.nz www.kidsnewzealand.com Ara – Christchurch Polytechnic www.agewell.org.nz www.stats.govt.nz www.seniornet.co.nz www.christchurchartgallery.org.nz https://firstport.co.nz/ www.volcan.org.nz … Continued

Carers Website

www.carers.net.nz Established in the early 1990s by family carers, Carers NZ is now a national registered charity which provides information, advice, learning and support for families with health and disability needs. It is the Secretariat for the NZ Carers Alliance, and acts as the legal umbrella for a number of special interest groups including: An … Continued

Human Rights Commission

Ring the Help Desk number above for complaints of discrimination based on sex, marital status, religious or ethical belief, race and colour, ethnic or national origins, age, disability, family status, political opinion, employment status, sexual orientation. In public life the Act covers: Employment, e.g. Hiring & firing employees etc; Education, e.g. Student applications; Access to … Continued

The Department of Internal Affairs

Christchurch Office   120 Hereford Street   Christchurch 8011    Hours 8-30am to 5pm except for Wednesdays 9-00am to 5pm.  For 100th & over birthdays; Diamond (60th) and other wedding anniversaries, Officers of Department will advise on procedure but at least three months, notice is required. PASSPORTS 0800 22 50 50. Application forms can be obtained … Continued

VIR Vehicle Information Report

Car Buyers Be Wise – never buy a car without a V.I.R. The problems with some vehicles are obvious, others are harder to spot. Stolen? Flood Damaged Import? Wound Odometer? Ownership History? Unpaid Fees? Money Owing? These are just some of the problems the V.I.R. will find. If you do not have a credit card, … Continued

CommunityNet Aotearoa

CommunityNet Aotearoa is an online hub where you can find and share resources designed to strengthen community organisations. It focuses on providing the right tools to build and develop community organisations. CommunityNet accepts contributions from New Zealand individuals and organisations that create resources for community organisations learning and development. Resources include the Community Resource Kit, … Continued

Richmond New Zealand Trust Limited

Richmond is a non government organisation that provides community-based mental health and disability support services nationwide. It was established in New Zealand in 1978 and is affiliated with many other organisations worldwide as part of the international network of Richmond Fellowship. About us gives details about the evolution to Richmond New Zealand Trust Limited. Our … Continued
