Volunteering Canterbury

An information and referral service for individuals interested in volunteering and for non-profit agencies involving volunteers. Support, information and training for non-profit agencies. Advocacy and consultancy on all issues to do with volunteering. To arrange an interview ring the above number or visit the website for more opportunities. Open Monday – Friday 9.00 am – … Continued

Royal N Z Foundation of the Blind

Ring the above number, or 0800 24 33 33 for information about services, to enrol as new members, to order Talking Books etc.  RNZFB offers a craft group; training; education and support for blind persons and their families. Ph. 355 8381- News ‘phone – this service has recorded extracts from newspapers, read by volunteers. Approved … Continued

Alcohol Drug Helpline

The Alcohol and Drug Helpline is an 0800 ‘phone information and referral service provided by the Alcohol Drug Association of New Zealand (ADANZ). Its mission is to provide information so people can make healthy choices about alcohol and drugs. The Helpline operates 10am to 10pm daily, every day (except Christmas Day and New Years Day). … Continued

Wigram Airforce Museum

www.airforcemuseum.co.nz Embark on a unique journey of discovery and adventure at the Air Force Museum… Open 10-5 Daily, Free Admission. Whether you live locally or are visiting Christchurch for the first time, are mad about aviation, or simply want a great day out, the Air Force Museum has something for you. Fully interactive flight simulators … Continued

Dementia Canterbury

Aims to: Support people to continue to lead fulfilling lives after a dementia-diagnosis, to raise community awareness and break down barriers associated with all dementias and work towards a dementia-friendly and responsive community, one where people living with dementia feel safe and confident to participate in activities in the community. Provides support and information to people … Continued

Age Concern Canterbury

OFFICE HOURS: 9.00 am to 4.30 pm Monday to Friday COMMUNITY HEALTH TEAM: Give us a call if you are concerned about an older person. Information and advocacy available. ELDER ABUSE RESPONSE SERVICE: Confidential service aimed at improving the quality of life of older people in abusive situations. ACCREDITED VISITING SERVICE (AVS): A service for … Continued

Environment Canterbury ECAN

Christchurch counter services   100 Tuam Street City     Environment Canterbury is the regional council working with the people of Canterbury to manage the region’s air, water and land. They are committed to the sustainable management of our environment while promoting the region’s economic, social and cultural well-being. The services provided are listed below: … Continued


24 hour crisis telephone line which is available to anyone requiring counselling help. For help call 0800 543 354 ( which is a 24 hour helpline). Lifeline runs training sessions for volunteers who are interested in telephone counselling. For further information ring their Office number 366 6742. Free email counselling available on the email address … Continued

St Vincent de Paul Society

The St Vincent de Paul family shops/sell secondhand clothing and furniture and use the money raised to put back into the community. St Vincent de Paul suburban shops hours are 9am-4pm Mondays to Fridays, and we are open Saturdays 10am – 3.00pm. Their shops are:- 265 Stanmore Rd, Richmond Ph: (03) 3897484 ext 2 19 … Continued

Civil Defence

Canterbury Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) is a partnership of local authorities, emergency services and other organisations tasked with ensuring the effective delivery of civil defence emergency management in Canterbury. Civil Defence volunteers work throughout Christchurch in major emergencies. Develop new skills, learn how to help others, meet new people. To find out more ring … Continued
