Prebbleton Walking Group

Prebbleton Walking Group The Prebbleton Walking Group meets on Tuesdays at 9.15am outside All Saints Church on the corner of Springs and Blakes Road, Prebbleton. This is a large mixed group, mostly retirees. You can walk with the group that suits your pace. Following our walk we enjoy tea/coffee in the Tosswill Lounge. On the … Continued

Age Concern New Zealand Inc (National Office)

They work to serve the needs of older people by offering nationally contracted services, education, resources and national leadership. Age Concern New Zealand works for older people by coordinating and supporting vital services offered at the local level such as Elder Abuse and Neglect Prevention and Accredited Visiting. They depend on donations, bequests and grants … Continued

Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority EECA

EECA is a government agency that promotes energy efficiency and renewable energy in New Zealand. They can offer energywise tips to help people to live more comfortably during the winter months and trim their energy bills. For more information on saving energy visit the website or ring the freephone number. Give advice on energy efficiency … Continued

Third Age Tours-Rangiora

Life, it is said, begins at 50 and so does traveling with Third Age Tours. The company organizes holidays to a range of destinations, nationally and internationally, for people aged 50 and over.Join Third Age Tours for fully escorted small group tours of New Zealand and overseas. 201 Tours include: White herons at Okarito – … Continued

Petersgate Counselling Centre

Petersgate Trust provides affordable professional counselling to the community. They respect and look after the needs of everyone, regardless of creed, culture or socio-economic background. Christchurch Earthquake Petersgate is open and offering FREE earthquake counselling for anyone who needs it. Please contact them to arrange an appointment. They have a team of trained counsellors, who … Continued

Returned Services Association ( RSA ) – Christchurch branches

/ The RSA is now operating out of their new home on the RSA’s original site at 74 Armagh St in the central city. Thay are up and running and the administration office is located on Level One of the building. They were fully operational in time for a formal opening of the building on … Continued

NZ College For Seniors

Educational Travel for the over 50’s. For those who want to increase their understanding and enrich their lives there are a range of Odessey Ed-Ventures. They operate under the AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND COLLEGE FOR SENIORS, Centre for Continuing Education, in conjunction with Odyssey Travel. This is a not-for-profit organisation. Ph. 0800 44 00 55 … Continued

Savvy Seniors Day Trips ( Savy Seniors )

The idea of Savvy Seniors is to get people out and about. Main pick up areas are in the Eastern suburbs. All trips are door to door in comfortable 10 seater minivans. Please note that they are able to provide a door to door service within the suburbs of: Mairehau, Shirley, Dallington, Richmond, Avonside, Linwood, … Continued

Continence Advisory Service Nurse Maude

The service provides: – Support for adults & children (from 4 years) who experience bladder and/or bowel problems. – Assessment, education & treatment on a one to one basis. – Liaison with other health professionals & agencies. – Information & education to the community & health professionals. – A free service except some charges for … Continued

Nationwide Health & Disability Service

Advocacy Services South Island 0800 555 050 e-mail By Law everyone receiving a health or disability service has the protection of the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights. An independent Commissioner, Ron Paterson, promotes and protects these rights. Independent Advocates will help people make sure that their rights are respected. To contact … Continued
