Radius Hawthorne Residential Care

Radius Hawthorne Residential Care (Previously known as St Winifred’s Hospital) offers quality residential residential, hospital and specialist dementia care and palliative care for elderly, and young disabled New Zealanders. All clients and palliative care patients and elderly and disabled New Zealanders should be advised to request a referral from their G.P. for a full assessment … Continued

Health Promotion Agency

HPA is a Crown entity established on 1 July 2012 under legislation to lead and support national health promotion initiatives. It has a board appointed by the Minister of Health, and staff in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. In addition to national health promotion initiatives, HPA performs all functions previously undertaken by the Alcohol Advisory Council (ALAC) … Continued

Canterbury Dist. Health Board Interpreter Services CDHB

The Service provides access to interpreters providing for OVER 50 languages and dialects to ensure patients who do not understand or speak English are able to participate in making decisions about their health care and treatment. NOTE: This service is for patients attending Christchurch Public, Burwood, Hillmorton, Princess Margaret & Christchurch Women’s Hospitals, the Community … Continued

Christchurch Battlegroup Wargamers

Refights of historical battles using model armies. Mostly World War II and American Civil War on a detailed modular landscape; to research historical battles. Meet every 1st and 3rd Thursday – 144 Main North Road, Christchurch

Whisky Tasting Nights

These tastings vary from distillery focus evenings, food pairing, Islay night, vintage selections and may more.

Adult Community Referral Centre – ACRC (formerly Older Persons Health)

Many subsidised services are available to help people remain independent and in their own home through the Adult Community Referral Centre ( ACRC ). They can be referred to you through your GP. If you are having difficulty with day to day tasks around the home, cooking, or with personal care please discuss this with … Continued

Canterbury Model Boat Club

Model boating, scale electric, steam, sail. A casual bunch of enthusiasts.  Meet 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month at 1 – 3 PM at Lake Victoria, weather permitting.

Friends of the Canterbury Museum

Monthly coffee mornings providing a wide range of guest speakers comprising museum curators, staff and inviting guests. Opportunities to visit back-of-house with the Museum staff Fundraising for new acquisitions and conservation projects Other Museum related events and trips
