Fitzgerald House

Fax for both Houses 982 2164 Holdsworth House is part of a larger complex offering a full range of care – the ideal choice for partners with differing care needs or for those looking towards ongoing care in the future, dementia and other age related disorders. For more information ‘phone Anglican Aged Care, 363 0900 … Continued

New Brighton / Ascot Scrabble Club

The Scrabble Club meet at the Ascot Community Hall Friday 12.45-4.00pm cost $3 for three games. Tea and biscuits provided. New member welcome.

St Christopher’s Church

Wednesday 10am Communion Service followed by morning tea & chat. Friday 1-3pm Mah-Jong  cuppa and a chat For information on other non-Church activities (ukelele, group/bowls) etc. Contact the Church Office.- Phone 358-8780. The office is open weekdays between 9am and 2pm.


Careerforce is an Industry Training Organisation for the health and disability, social services and youth work sector. Work with employers to recognise the existing skills of their employees and help them develop new ones. For employees, Careerforce can: * Provide you with the latest qualifications for your role in the health and disability support sector … Continued

Cashmere Club Inc

There are a number of various activities which are held at the Club such as Badminton, Indoor Bowls, Darts. For further information on other activities, ring the Club at the above number.

Christchurch Kidney Society Inc

Offer information, assistance, fellowship and social opportunities to people with chronic kidney disease. The centre is open Monday-Friday from 10am-1pm. The Field Officer is in attendance on Mondays,Wednesdays and Fridays. Volunteers staff it on the other days. The centre is open for patients, supporters, and others to drop in for some hospitality. They have up … Continued

Harewood Radio Control Car Club

To race both off-road and on-road 1/10 scale electric radio controlled cars. The club is one of the strongest in New Zealand. Meets every second  Sunday of the month.

Sing Ong Tai Chi

Tai Chi is a martial art from China. It is well known for its balanced, fluid movements and its health benefits. It has produced many skilled and famous martial arts. Many schools focus only on the health benefits, however we believe that to obtain the greatest benefit, it is necessary to train in the traditional … Continued

Deaf Society of Canterbury (Inc)

The Deaf Society of Canterbury has been in existence since 1922 providing facilities for Deaf members of the community to meet and share their common language (New Zealand Sign Language, NZ’s 3rd official language), culture, history and social, sporting and recreational activities. For further information contact the above telephone number or text the cell phone … Continued

Where to From Here

‘WHERE TO FROM HERE’ (formerly Question of Care)- a guide to residential care/help at home & retirement options booklet with information on all homes/ hospitals in the Canterbury, Nelson, Marlborough, West Coast and Buller, South Canterbury regions ie District Health Boards. Booklet is free from Age Concern Canterbury, telephone 3660903 to receive your copy. Check … Continued
